
Liveable Neighbourhoods – Coppermill

*Important update* - The Coppermill Perception Survey Report and Coppermill Perception Survey Infographics published in 2019 in error contained information based on the use of draft data outputs and not final figures.  We have now updated and verified the information within these documents. You can view the republished data report and infographics by clicking on the links to the right hand side of this page.

In 2018 Waltham Forest Council successfully secured funding from Transport for London (TfL) as part of its Liveable Neighbourhoods programme, to enhance the Coppermill area and make it easier and safer for people to choose sustainable travel such as walking, cycling and public transport.

Work on the scheme began in 2020. More information on the construction works and timeline for these can be found in the update leaflets in the useful documents column on this page.

In September 2020, as part of the Coppermill Area Scheme and Quietway 2 (Cycleway 27) scheme, a bus gate (modal filter) was introduced on South Access Road. This means if you’re travelling by motorised vehicle to Low Hall Depot or to South Access recycling centre you will need to travel along Argall Avenue from Lea Bridge Road. The entrance from South Access Road will only be available to people walking or cycling.

All the proposals detailed in the July 2020 and January 2021 leaflets have now been implemented. Some of the changes, particularly the modal filters and Bus Gate, were introduced using Experimental Traffic Management Orders, which allow a period of up to 18 months for further review and assessment before deciding on whether to make them permanent or not. Therefore, we have been monitoring traffic levels within and around the area alongside a range of other data since November 2020, to understand how these measures have performed. The Council has also considered feedback received from the local community during this time. The results of this monitoring and review process have helped inform the decision on whether to make these measures permanent, make changes, or withdraw them.

The decision for each modal filter is set out in the leaflet sent to residents in January 2022, which you can view here.

The new Station Road experimental proposals will be implemented in early February 2022, and we will write to addresses nearby with more information before construction begins.

Quietway 2 (Cycleway27)

At the same time as receiving funding for the Coppermill Area Scheme, the Council also secured funding to redirect the existing Quietway 2 (soon to be renamed Cycleway 27 by TfL) cycle route with the aim of encouraging residents, businesses and visitors to use sustainable modes of transport more often, so that together we can reduce congestion, tackle air pollution and improve the health and wellbeing of local people.

The new Quietway 2 (Cycleway 27) route alignment uses South Access Road, the Argall Business Estate and Lea Bridge Road to link St James Street with the London Borough of Hackney, instead of the current route alignment along Coppermill Lane and through the Lower Lea Valley. This change is being made due to accessibility and personal safety concerns within the Lower Lea Valley.

Strategic Cycle Network 

Funding has been secured from TfL’s LSP to complete the final phase of works to re-route Quietway 2 (rebranded as Cycleway 27) through the Coppermill area between St James Street and the borough boundary with Hackney. Since 2018 the Council has been developing and engaging on the proposed realignment and associated infrastructure improvements as part of the wider Coppermill Area Liveable Neighbourhood project, and the first phase of works in the Argall Industrial estate commenced in autumn 2019. 

Engagement and public consultation so far

  • In July 2018 we launched a perception survey to understand how residents, visitors and businesses felt about the area and how they travel around it. The results of this survey can be found in the useful information column on this page.
  • During the autumn of 2018 we piloted our first community comments signs, inviting residents and businesses to write their thoughts about seven key locations identified through the perception survey, and held a number of pop-up events in the area to speak with local people. We also hosted a led cycle ride and walk of the area.
  • In April 2019 we held two co-design workshops with local residents, businesses and accessibility groups where participants were able give their views on initial concepts for improvements.
  • On 24 June 2019 over 5000 leaflets were delivered to addresses within the scheme boundary, informing the local community of the public consultation and inviting them to participate. The consultation ran between 24 June 2019 and 14 July 2019 and was primarily hosted online via the digital engagement platform Commonplace, with hard copies available upon request. We publicised the consultation by a variety of methods such as flyers, local and social media; and during the consultation period we held two drop-in sessions for the local community to find out more about the scheme; 96 people attended the drop-in events in total.
  • You can view the consultation results in the Useful documents column named ‘Coppermill Improvements Update Leaflet’.

Station Road Update - November 2023

Despite challenges with funding, we have been able to deliver a lot of the proposals to date, and we’re
now writing to let you know that we have recently received further funding from TfL to deliver the following improvements in Station Road and the surrounding area.










Before we finalise the proposals for the area we want to understand what local people think
about the changes. Therefore, we invite local people to take part in our short survey and provide
feedback on the proposals between 1 December and 22 December 2023 by visiting

Once the informal consultation period has ended, we will review the feedback received and
include any further suggestions where possible. The final detailed design will then move to the
statutory consultation stage where we will advertise the necessary Traffic Management Orders to
legally enable the traffic management and any parking changes to take place.

We are aiming to begin construction in early 2024 for a duration of approximately two to three

We will write to local people again in January 2024 with the results from the informal consultation,
and more information on the statutory consultation and construction.

For more information, please refer to the update leaflet sent to local residents on Thursday 30 November, which you can view in the useful documents panel.


If you have any questions relating to the Enjoy Waltham Forest programme, do get in touch.

Email - enjoy@walthamforest.gov.uk

Write to -
Enjoy Waltham Forest Programme Team
Waltham Forest Council
Low Hall Argall Avenue
E10 7AS

Phone - 020 8496 3000. Monday to Friday 9am–5pm.

You can also sign up for newsletters about the Enjoy Waltham Forest programme here.